Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^Bach$
Year : 1973
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Max number of results shown : 300
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Harmon, ThomasThe Mühlhausen Organ Revisited. Precious Clues to Bach's Preference in Organ Design and Registration. Bach 4 1 Jan 1973 3-15
2. Herford, JuliusBach's Models of 'Good Inventiones' -- How to Develop the Same Well. Bach 4 1 Jan 1973 16-20
3. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music: Articulation. Bach 4 1 Jan 1973 21-25
4. Currie, Randolph N.Cyclic Unity in Bach's Sechs Chorale: A New Look at the 'Schüblers,' Part I. Bach 4 1 Jan 1973 26-38
5. Kilgore, EdnaTime Signatures of the Well-Tempered Clavier: Their Place in Notational History. Bach 4 2 Apr 1973 3-16
6. Herford, JuliusThe C-Major and C-Minor Preludes of the Well-tempered Clavier, Book 1. Bach 4 2 Apr 1973 17-21
7. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music: Tempo. Bach 4 2 Apr 1973 22-24
8. Currie, Randolph N.Cyclic Unity in Bach's Sechs Chorale: A New Look at the 'Schüblers,' Part II. Bach 4 2 Apr 1973 25-39
9. Leaver, Robin A.Heinrich Schütz as a Biblical Interpreter. Bach 4 3 Jul 1973 3-8
10. Leaver, Robin A.List of the Settings of Bible Texts in the Works of Heinrich Schütz. Bach 4 3 Jul 1973 8-12
11. Pisk, Paul A.Bach in Our Time. Bach 4 3 Jul 1973 13-17
12. Hirsch, ArturJohann Sebastian Bach's Cantatas in Chronological Order. Bach 4 3 Jul 1973 18-35
13. Herford, JuliusJ. S. Bach's Fugue II in C Minor (The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book 1): An Analysis. Bach 4 3 Jul 1973 36-40
14. Leaver, Robin A.The Funeral Sermon for Heinrich Schütz. [I] Bach 4 4 Oct 1973 3-17
15. Jenne, NatalieBach's Use of Dance Rhythms in Fugues. [I] Bach 4 4 Oct 1973 18-26
16. Kochevitsky, George A.Performing Bach's Keyboard Music -- Notes Inégales: A Brief History and a Summary. Bach 4 4 Oct 1973 27-35

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita